domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

"watch ur character. it becomes ur destiny.."

estaaa semana tuve el quiz de mate y yo creo q me vaa ir mal... ya es el martes el examen y pues voya ir a clases extras de calculo a ver si eso me ayuda =S jaja el fin fui a san carlosss bien padree estoy negraa =)" en el yateee =*

jueves, 12 de abril de 2007

live well, laugh often, love much..

holaaa otra vess!! jaja no habia escrito porque estaba en vacaciones =) y pues no estaba en la ciudad. Me la pase muy muy padre en semana Santa, fui de misiones, y la verdad que esas son las mejores experiencias, porque hay muchas oportunidades de ayudar a la gente, y mas que enriquecerlos a ellos (la gente del pueblo) con tu conocimiento, te enriqueces mas tu con lo que aprendes de ellos, y lo que empiesas a valorar a partir de esta experiencia. De verdad que ojala un dia tengan la oportunidad de ir, yo se que es cansado, yo llegue tan cansada que no me levante para clases el lunes, y no es agusto, ya que duermes en el piso todos los dias hechas fumigante, hay animales, te banas 2 3 veces en toda la semana jaja comes puro atun y maruchans jaja pero es bien padre, porq te das cuenta que no necesitas de tus comodidades para estar contenta, de verdad es muy bonito y gastar tu unica semana de vacaciones en esto, vale la pena.

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2007


ayerr fue el toefl, la verdad es que se me hizo muyyyy muyyy facil, pero ps como estaba mas dormida que despierta muchas veces tenia que leer la lectura como 5 veces antes de entenderle porque me quedaba medio dormida o se me desviaba la atencion a medio ejercio.. jaja lo que pasa es que una prima hizo sus xv ayer y ps tenia q ir.. entoncesss todaa develadaaa al dia sigg.. jaja pero ps aver como me vaa..

"If you are always looking for reasons for not to be with someone, then u will always find themm.."

sobre el projecto de murder we wrote, pienso que es un poco muyy antesss la fecha de entregaa,, vamos un poco atrasadoss.. pero iguaal se puede sacar adelante, ya que tenemos todo planeado.. esta semana vimos lo de trigonometria y integrales, y la verdadd es que segun yo a este tema si le estoy entendiendo pero ps aver como me va..

people don't change,, but they cann..


weelll, in this entry I will talk about the CENEVAL. I think it wasn't that difficult, but I don't want to get my hopes up because it is very very important for me to get a good gradee in this exam that if I don't pass it, I will get a very bad depressioonnn ajajaja well, the exam was very very long and therefore very tiring.

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2007

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

"Es mejor sufrir una injusticia, que cometerla"..


1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
It is a method used in Forensic Science, which calculates the time of death of a body by calculating the difference between the temperature of the body and the temperature of the environment, if this last is constant.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?

Temperature of the body = y
Temperature of the environment = yt
A Variable (to be determined)= k
A constant = C

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?

7:26 pm

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?

Because after the body dies, the temperature of the body starts decreasing until it gets the same temperature as the one in the environment. This way, we can determine the time of death of the body.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?

Because to calculate the time of death of the body, the temperatur of it must be constant, at least at time 0, as well as the one of the environment, so if the body was ill before the time of death, we cannot determined the temperature ot had before it died.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?

It is not perfectly exact, since the temperature of the environment must be exactly constant, as well as the temperature of the body before the time of death, but even though it is very difficult to know exact, it is very useful as a guide.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

Murder, we wroteeee..

Here are the 4 last questions I were asked to answer for the project =)

4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
The rate method (change of body temperature, putrefaction of the body, etc.)
The concurrence method (comparing the occuring of events.)

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
That the body has less than 24 hours of dead.
Body temperature
Place of dead. (In Australia de body temperature rises after dead.)
If you are going to put the thermometer in the rectum or abdomen.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
Like I said, in some places as in Australia, or in some extreme tropical regions, the body temperature may even rise after dead. Newton also said in his Cooling Law that the rate of coolimg of a body is determined by the difference between the temperature of the body and that of its environment.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
I think they do have a difference because in the document i read, it said that you can use the method to get the body temperature as your convenience. Concurrence method is more convenient when we are talking about a dead body in an unestable climate. On the other hand, Newton's method is more convenient when the case is a dead body in a controlled environmental temperature.

"There are two tradegies in life: One is to lose your heart's desire, the other one, is to gain it".

martes, 13 de febrero de 2007


this week was the first february week, so that means I was in exams, and well I didn't get a good grade on math. I will do my very best next partial to improve my grade. We didn't see anything new, on Tuesday was the exam, Thursday we made some class excercises about first partial and on Friday we received our grades.

"Es más fácil variar el curso de un río que el carácter de un hombre".

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, It doesn't exist".

Esta semana de clases fue muy buenaa porque me saque un quiz con 90 y otro con 100 =) yo creo que ya me estoy haciendo inteligente jaja vimos mas derivadas o antiderivadas como se diga, y la verdad le estoy entendiendo mas a estas ultimas maneras de resolverlas que a las primeras.. jaja buenoo la semana q entra escriboo.. byebye =* Ojala les guste la frase

final project =)

Team Name: LCRM

Team Members:

Math Expert: Rafael

Journalist: Lorena

Forensic Science: ME =*

Media Expert: Maria Andrea


1.What is forensic science?
Is the application of science to solve crimes trough civil law

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?
Body temperature, fingerprints, DNA, footprints, body tissues, time of death, bruises, physical evidence, and much more.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?

Because of the body temperature you can know how long the body was killed and how far you are from the killer, you can ask many useful questions based on that.

Main Objective:

I think that the main objective of this project is the application of Math. I think that to do forensic science you must know exact details to know how to solve the case, and what is more exact than Math?? =)

domingo, 28 de enero de 2007

3rd Week

This week was more difficult than the second one, we are now doing integrals, and the truth is, they are somehow easy, when the teacher is explaining them or when somebody explains me I understand perfectly, but when It comes for me to do it myself, I get very cofused since is exactly the opposite from derivatives, and my mind goes all messed up but I hope soon I'll do them better ..

.. Se puede hacer todo, pero no todo al mismo tiempo.. =**

lunes, 22 de enero de 2007


Carmen Maria .. ;*

"Be not Afraid of Life, Believe that Life is Worth Living, and the Belief will help to Create the Fact".

domingo, 21 de enero de 2007

2nd week of Class

For the first time in a lifetime I actually liked maths, the topic we saw about revenues, profits, etc were really interesting, I hope that with Integral Calculus we see more applications of maths in real life, because that is what will be worth for me in future life.

About this Blog

This Blog can be used to have a control of how difficult or how easy is this course is getting, according to you. You can also help as an opinion, or as record, for the teacher and for you.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

I would like to start this blog telling you about this quote Martin Luther King Jr. said once. I totally agree with him that we should always make something, or give an opinion about things that matter, because the day that we stop worrying about things that truly matter in this world, is the day we stop cooperating with the world, and our mission on Earth will slowly be finished.