domingo, 28 de enero de 2007

3rd Week

This week was more difficult than the second one, we are now doing integrals, and the truth is, they are somehow easy, when the teacher is explaining them or when somebody explains me I understand perfectly, but when It comes for me to do it myself, I get very cofused since is exactly the opposite from derivatives, and my mind goes all messed up but I hope soon I'll do them better ..

.. Se puede hacer todo, pero no todo al mismo tiempo.. =**

1 comentario:

Ing. Linda Licon dijo...

Hi Carmen Ma,

Nice pictures... I´m glad you did not have trouble on making your blog because it looks very well.

Well... good news!!! you got 100 in your last quiz, so, this proves that you can really get a good grade in math when you understand and practice... Carlitos won´t be very happy, because I know that he was explaining to you, but he had many small mistakes again...

You may also write about what you like or dislike, or you may even make a research about more applications of math in real life!!! or if you prefer you could research about math relationship in differente careers or areas.

Remember that at the end of the semester you will select your best entries for a portfolio and that will be your 5% of final grade.

See you in class...